1. General

By using the website (hereinafter referred to as the website), you expressly accept the terms of use set out below.

2. Data protection


In accordance with Swiss law, we undertake to respect the confidentiality of your personal data and to use it solely for the purposes for which you have provided it.


This site uses cookies which are essential for its proper operation:

  • Necessary cookies are essential for using the website and its functions. These cookies ensure, for example, that you can navigate from page to page without the information entered in a form or the products placed in a basket disappearing. Necessary cookies cannot be deactivated.

This site does not use cookies for audience measurement or for sharing on social networks. 

Forms - contact by e-mail

We collect, process and use your personal information for:

  • Responding to all your requests made via a contact form or by clicking on the e-mail link
  • Responding to your requests 
  • Processing your application for a current or future job vacancy

3. Copyright

No data may be used, modified or reproduced without the written consent of GROSS & ASSOCIÉS. All texts, images, videos, sounds or source codes present on the site are considered as data.

4. Liability

The owner of the site cannot be held responsible for any prejudice that may be caused by the use of the site and declines all responsibility that may result.

The site owner also declines all responsibility for the content of linked sites.

5. Place of jurisdiction and applicable law

Any dispute concerning the interpretation or execution of these terms of use shall be subject to Swiss law and shall be settled exclusively by the competent court at the domicile of the site owner (place of jurisdiction), i.e. Lausanne, Switzerland.

6. Conclusions

These terms of use are valid with immediate effect and may be changed at any time by the site owner. Changes to the conditions of use will be announced on this site.

Lausanne, 8 May 2024